Member and Youth

Short Story and Poetry Contest

2010 Contestants’ Rules


1.     Entries must be written during the contest year.

2.     Writers must be amateurs; earnings from writing must not exceed $500 annually.

3.     Manuscripts may not have been published prior to the competition.

4.     Manuscripts must be original work by the author

5.     Manuscripts will not be returned.  Authors should keep a copy.

6.     Entries should comply with the following format:



Heading in the upper right-hand corner of each page.

Heading is single-spaced.

Heading includes these 9 lines:

Author’s Name

Mailing Address

City, State, Zip Code

Phone Number

E-Mail Address (if available)

Name of Sponsoring Club



Title of Manuscript


Poems and Short Stories MUST be typed and double-sp,aced.

Short stories should be 2,0000 words or less

Poems:  Any style, 8-30 lines for Students

                                    Any style, 8-50 lines for Members


Short Stories must have a one-inch margin all around the text. (imagine a one inch frame around the text.)

Poetry must have a one-inch margin all around the text.

Poetry may be centered.


Heading must a]not appear in any pat of 1” margin.


7.  Youth may enter one short story and/or one poem for club contests on the local level.

8 .  A completed and signed Copyright Waiver form must accompany your submission


Submit to sponsoring club no later than:  January 4, 2010.